We assisting students in studying in top universities & colleges in Canada for higher education. We also help students in getting PR in Canada, Student Visa, Study Visa & Canada Immigration.


  • Canada has been ranked by the United Nations as one of the best places in the world to live in.
  • To study in Canada is cost effective and affordable as compared to other nations.
  • Internationally recognized degrees from colleges in Canada hold back any hesitation of after-graduation job qualification compatibility.
  • The level and quality of Canada education is unmatched.
  • Universities in Canada offers excellent work opportunities, during and after college.
  • Work permits of up to 3 years are available.
  • Multiple course options like diploma and bachelor at undergraduate, master and PG levels.
  • Multiple permanent residency options.
  • High standard of living.
  • Multi-cultured and multi-faceted society.


  • Extensive IELTS Training
  • English Speaking and Personality Development Program
  • Career Counseling, Country Selection, Course Selection & University Selection
  • Scholarship Guidance
  • College Interview Preparations & Getting Admission
  • Embassy Interview Preparations & Student Visa Assistance
  • Pre Departure Orientation
  • Accommodation Assistance
  • Airport Pick Ups
  • Travel Arrangements
  • Internship Assistance
  • Student Referal Program


कनाडा उत्तरी अमेरिका का एक देश है जिसमें दस प्रान्त और तीन केन्द्र शासित प्रदेश हैं। यह महाद्वीप के उत्तरी भाग में स्थित है जो अटलाण्टिक से प्रशान्त महासागर तक और उत्तर में आर्कटिक महासागर तक फैला हुआ है। इसका कुल क्षेत्रफल 99.8 लाख वर्ग किलोमीटर है और कनाडा कुल क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से विश्व का दूसरा और भूमि क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से द्वितीय सबसे बड़ा देश है। इसकी संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के साथ अन्तरराष्ट्रीय सीमा विश्व की सबसे बड़ी भू-सीमा है। कनाडा एक विकसित देश है इसकी प्रति व्यक्ति आय विश्व स्तर पर दसवें स्थान पर हैं साथ ही साथ मानव विकास सूचकाङ्क पर इसकी रैंकिङ्ग नौवें नम्बर पर है। इसकी, सरकार पारदर्शिता, नागरिक स्वतन्त्रता, जीवन, आर्थिक स्वतन्त्रता, और शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता के अन्तरराष्ट्रीय माप में सबसे ऊँची रैंकिङ्ग हैं। कनाडा, राष्ट्र के राष्ट्रमण्डल का सदस्य है। इसके साथ ही यह कई प्रमुख अन्तरराष्ट्रीय और अन्तर-सरकारी संस्थाओं या समूहों का हिस्सा हैं जिनमे संयुक्त राष्ट्रउत्तर अटलाण्टिक सन्धि सङ्गठनजी-8, प्रमुख 10 देशों के समूह, जी-20उत्तर अमेरिकी मुक्त व्यापार समझौताएशिया-प्रशान्त महासागरीय आर्थिक सहयोग प्रमुख हैं।


शब्द कनाडा सेंट लॉरेंस इरोक्वॉयाई शब्द कनाटा से बना हुआ है जिसका अर्थ “गाँव” अथवा “बसावट” होता है।[10] सन् 1535 में वर्तमान क्यूबेक नगर क्षेत्र के स्टैडकोना गाँव की खोज ज़ाक कार्तिए ने की थी।[11] कार्तिए ने बाद में डोंनकना (स्टैडकोना के मुखिया) से सम्बंधित पूर्ण क्षेत्र के लिए कनाडा शब्द से उल्लिखीत किया;[11] इसके बाद सन् 1545 से यूरोपीय पुस्तकों और मानचित्रों में इस क्षेत्र को कनाडा नाम से उल्लिखित किया जाने गया।[11]


आदिकालीन निवासी

वर्तमान में कनाडा में आदिवासी लोगों में प्रथमराष्ट्र, इनुइट, और मेटीस लोग शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा मिश्रित नस्ल भी हैं, जोकी मध्य 17वीं सदी में प्रथमराष्ट्र और इनुइट लोगो की बाहर से बसने आये यूरोपीयो के साथ शादी के बाद बनी। उत्तरी अमेरिका की पहले निवासी 15,000 साल पहले साइबेरिया पलायन कर बेरिंग-भूमि पुल के माध्यम से पहुंचे।[12] यूरोपीय आव्रजन के पहले कनाडा में आदिवासी जनसंख्या 2 लाख से लेकर 20 लाख तक का अनुमान किया जाता रहा, हलाकि कनाडा की रॉयल आयोग द्वारा 500,000 का आंकड़ा स्वीकार किया गया।[13] यूरोपियनो के आने के साथ ही वहाँ इन्फ्लूएंजा, खसरा, और चेचक जैसी घातक बीमारिया भी साथ आ गई, और एक ही सदी में वहाँ की आदिवासी जनसंख्या में 80 प्रतिशत की कमी हो गई।

यूरोपीय उपनिवेशवाद

यूरोपीय उपनिवेशवाद का पहला उदाहरड़ नॉर्समैन द्वारा 1000 ई के आसपास न्यूफाउंडलैंड में ले’ऐंसेअक्स में देखने को मिला। इसके बाद सीधे 1497 में इतालवी नाविक जॉन केबोट ने कनाडा के अटलांटिक तट का पता लगाया और इंग्लैंड के राजा हेनरी सप्तम के नाम पर अधिकार प्रतिपादित किया।[14][15] इसी के बाद ही बास्क और पुर्तगाली नाविकों ने 16वीं सदी में अटलांटिक तट पर मछली पकड़ने और व्हेल का शिकार करने की चौकियों की स्थापना की।[16] सन 1534 फ्रेंच एक्सप्लोरर जैक्स कार्टियर ने कनाडा में सेंट लॉरेंस नदी की खोज की और फ़्रांस के राजा फ्रांसिस प्रथम के नाम से वहाँ के छेत्र पर आधिपत्य कर व्यापार चौकी स्थापित किया,[17] हलाकि यह चौकी ज्यादा दिन नहीं चल सका सन 1583 में, सर हम्फ्री गिल्बर्ट, महारानी एलिजाबेथ प्रथम के शाही विशेषाधिकार से न्यूफाउंडलैंड में सेंट जॉन की स्थापना की इसे ही उत्तरी अमेरिकी पर पहला अंग्रेजी उपनिवेश मन गया।.[ फ्रेंच खोजी शमूएल डी चैंपलिन 1603 में वहाँ पहुंचे और पहले स्थायी यूरोपीय बस्तियों, पोर्ट रॉयल (1605 में) और क्यूबेक सिटी (1608 में) कि स्थापना की। इसके बाद तो वहाँ उपनिवेशवाद का सिलसिला ही चालू हो गया, अंग्रेजो ने 1610 में क्यूपिड और फ्रीलैंड , न्यूफाउंडलैंड में अतिरिक्त कालोनियों की स्थापना की। इसके बाद दक्षिण के छेत्र में जल्द ही अन्य तेरह उपनिवेश बस्ती स्थापित कि गई। जल्द ही अंग्रेजो ओर फ़्रांस में लड़ाई छिड़ गई, जिसमे सात साल का युद्ध का प्रमुख रहा, पेरिस की संधि 1763 के बाद कनाडा के अधिकतर हिस्सो में अंग्रेजो का अधिकार हो गया[19]

1783 की पेरिस संधि से अमेरिकी स्वतंत्रता को मान्यता दी गई और ग्रेट झील के दक्षिण के प्रदेशों को नए संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका को सौंप दिया गया। 1812 के संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और ब्रिटेन के बीच युद्ध में कनाडा ने मुख्य भूमिका अदा कि,युद्धशांति 1815 में आई, हलाकि दोनों कि सीमा में कोई बदलाव नहीं आया। 1815-50 के बीच ब्रिटिश आप्रवासन कि संख्या 960,000 से अधिक रही।[20] इनमे आयरिश शरणार्थियों तथा गेलिकभाषी स्कॉट्स प्रमुख थे। संक्रामक रोगों के कारण 1891 से पहले कनाडा में आकर बसने वाले यूरोपीयो कि 25 -33 फीसदी लोगो की मौत हो गई।

परिसंघ और विस्तार

refer to caption


1867 में परिसंघ के बाद से विकास और कनाडा के प्रांतों और क्षेत्रों के परिवर्तन का अनुप्राणित नक्शा

कई संवैधानिक सम्मेलनों के बाद 1867 संविधान अधिनियम के तहत 1 जुलाई, 1867 को चार प्रांतों ओंटारियो, क्यूबेक, नोवा स्कोटिया, और नई ब्रंसविक कि आधिकारिक तौर पर घोषणा की गई।[21] कनाडा ने रूपर्ट कि भूमि तथा उत्तर-पश्चिमी क्षेत्र का अधिकरण कर उत्तर पश्चिमी प्रदेशों का गठन किया, वही मेटीस की शिकायतों से लाल नदी के विद्रोह पनपा और जुलाई 1870 में मैनिटोबा प्रांत के सृजन हुआ।[22] ब्रिटिश कोलंबिया और वैंकूवर द्वीप (जो 1866 में एकजुट कर दिया गया था), 1871 में कनाडा में शामिल हो गए, जबकि प्रिंस एडवर्ड द्वीप में 1873 में शामिल हुए।[23] कनाडा की संसद ने विनिर्माण उद्योगों, रेलवे तथा आव्रजन को लेकर कई बिल पास किये गए।

List of State & Colleges in Canada

Alberta                    British Columbia                          New Brunswick

Manitoba                Newfoundland and Labrador            Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia                       Prince Edward Island                 Saskatchewan

Ontario                    Quebec                    Nunavut                  Yukon

  • Apply for a study permit
  • How we process applications
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  • If you are applied for your study permit before starting your programs


CDI College, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Programme List :-


  • 👉 Addictions & Community Services Worker


















































































Visual College of Arts & Design



Dominican University College, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Programme Available:-


Bachelor in PHILOSOPHY                   Bachelor of Philosophy | Dominican University College


Master of Arts in PHILOSOPHY        Master of Arts in Philosophy | Dominican University College





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Academy of Learning College, Canada


Academy of Learning Career College is Canada’s largest network of career colleges. With locations across the country, students can choose a college location depending on the region of Canada they wish to experience.

Benefits for International Students

Academy of Learning Career College believes in supporting our international students in a friendly environment. Our self-paced, flexible style of learning offers the following benefits to international students.

  • You set your own pace of learning. There is no need to keep up with the other students in the class.
  • If you do not fully understand the lesson, you can repeat it before moving on to the next one.
  • Course facilitators are available to monitor the training of the student, and to provide instruction where necessary.
  • You can start your program at any time.
  • You set your own schedule – mornings, evenings, or weekends.
  • You can prepare for recognized industry certifications from leaders such as: Microsoft, and CompTIA.

Turn Your Diploma into a Degree

Academy of Learning Career College has agreements in place to give students the opportunity to apply their Academy of Learning Career College credits towards a degree program at one of the following institutions.

  • National American University
  • University of Phoenix

International Students Admissions Checklist

Confirm Entrance Requirements

Contact the Academy of Learning Career College of your choice. Click here for a list of Academy of Learning Career College locations.

Confirm Entrance Requirements

Enrolment into an Academy of Learning Career College diploma program requires successful completion of high school. You may be asked to provide a copy of your high school diploma and/or transcript.

If English is not your first language, you may be required to undertake an English language entry examination before entering a diploma program. If a student requires assistance with English before and/or during their studies, Academy of Learning Career College can assist with finding an ESL school that will meet their needs.

Confirm Study Arrangements

The following is an outline of the steps you can take during the application process to confirm your study arrangements.

  • Contact the Academy of Learning Career College location of your choice and an admissions representative will guide you through the application process.
  • Discuss requirements for a tuition deposit with your preferred Academy of Learning Career College location.
  • Once you have been accepted and your tuition deposit has been received, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance from the Admissions Representative.
  • Take the Letter of Acceptance to Citizenship and Immigration Canada to apply for your Student Visa and Study Permit.
  • Arrange for your accommodation while studying in Canada.
  • Complete the appropriate placement test.
  • Arrange for ESL training, if needed.

Refer to the table below for the list of the Academy of Learning Career College locations which are recognized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to accept international students.



Abbotsford, BC             Airdrie, AB

British Columbia                                               Alberta



Albion and Islington, Toronto, ON      Bathurst, NB

Ontario                                                                                                                 New Brunswick




Bay and Queen, Toronto, ON      Belleville, ON

Ontario                                                                                                 Ontario



Brampton East, ON    Brampton West, ON  Brooks, AB

Ontario                                                                 Ontario                                                                 Alberta



Calgary North East, AB        Calgary South, AB                   Charlottetown, PEI

Alberta                                                                 Alberta                                                                 Prince Edward Island



Downsview, Toronto, ON  Downtown East / Pape, Toronto, ON

Ontario                                                                                 Ontario


Edmonton Downtown, AB            Markham and Lawrence, Toronto, ON

Alberta                                                                                 Ontario


Edmonton South, AB                       Edmonton West, AB

Alberta                                                                                 Alberta



Halifax, NS                                              Hamilton, ON

Nova Scotia                                                                        Ontario


High River, AB                                       Kamloops, BC

Alberta                                                                                                 British Columbia



Kelowna, BC                                                       Kingston, ON

British Columbia                                                                               Ontario



Langley, BC                                 Medicine Hat, AB

British Columbia                                               Alberta


Mississauga East, ON            Mississauga West, ON   Winnipeg South, MB

Ontario                                                                 Ontario                                                                 Manitoba



Nanaimo, BC                                                      North Battleford, SK

British Columbia                                                                               Saskatchewan



Ottawa, ON                                                         Owen Sound, ON

Ontario                                                                                                 Ontario



Pine Falls, MB                                                    Red Deer, AB

Manitoba                                                                                            Alberta



Regina, SK                                                           Saskatoon, SK

Saskatchewan                                                                                   Saskatchewan                                                                  


Richmond, BC                                                    Thunder Bay, ON

British Columbia                                                                               Ontario


Selkirk, MB                                                          Steinbach, MB

Manitoba                                                                                            Manitoba


Summerside, PEI                                             Surrey, BC

Prince Edward Island                                                                      British Columbia




Vancouver Broadway, BC               Victoria Westshore, BC

British Columbia                                                                               British Columbia


Warden and Sheppard, Toronto, ON Winnipeg North, MB

Ontario                                                                                                                 Manitoba




Main article: List of colleges in Alberta

See also: Higher education in Alberta

  • ABM College of Health and Technology
  • Ambrose University College
  • Bow Valley College
  • Burman University
  • Canadian Imperial College
  • Evergreen College
  • Grande Prairie Regional College
  • Keyano College
  • The King’s University College
  • Lakeland College
  • Lethbridge College
  • MaKami College
  • Medicine Hat College
  • NorQuest College
  • Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Olds College
  • Prairie College
  • Red Deer College
  • Reeves College
  • Robertson College
  • Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

British Columbia

Main article: List of colleges in British Columbia

See also: Higher education in British Columbia

  • Alexander College
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • Camosun College
  • Canadian College
  • Cornerstone International Community College of Canada
  • Coast Mountain College
  • Code Core College
  • College of New Caledonia
  • College of the Rockies
  • Columbia College
  • Douglas College
  • Educa centre College (French language institution)
  • Eton College, Vancouver
  • First College
  • Langara College
  • Northeastern University, Vancouver
  • North Island College
  • Northern Lights College
  • Okanagan College
  • Selkirk College
  • Sprott Shaw College
  • Vancouver Community College
  • Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (VanArts)


See also: Higher education in Manitoba

Assiniboine Community College

  • Red River College
  • Robertson College [Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology]

New Brunswick

Main article: List of universities and colleges in New Brunswick

See also: Higher education in New Brunswick

  • College communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick
  • Maritime College of Forest Technology
  • McKenzie College
  • New Brunswick College of Craft and Design
  • New Brunswick Community College
  • Oulton College

Newfoundland and Labrador

See also: Higher education in Newfoundland and Labrador

  • College of the North Atlantic

Northwest Territories

See also: Higher education in Northwest Territories

  • Aurora College
  • College nordique francophone

Nova Scotia

See also: Higher education in Nova Scotia

  • Canadian Coast Guard College
  • Gaelic College
  • Nova Scotia Community College


See also: Higher education in Nunavut

  • Nunavut Arctic College


Main article: List of colleges in Ontario

See also: Higher education in Ontario

  • Algonquin College
  • Cambrian College
  • Canadore College
  • Centennial College
  • College Boreal
  • College des Grands-Lacs (defunct)
  • Conestoga College
  • Confederation College
  • Durham College
  • Fanshawe College
  • Fleming College
  • George Brown College
  • Georgian College
  • Hanson Canada
  • Humber College
  • La Cite collegiale
  • Lambton College
  • Loyalist College
  • Mohawk College
  • Niagara College
  • Northern College
  • Royal Military College
  • Clair College
  • Lawrence College
  • Sault College
  • Seneca College
  • Sheridan College
  • Theo’s College

Prince Edward Island

See also: Higher education in Prince Edward Island

  • College de l’Île
  • Holland College


Main article: List of colleges in Quebec

See also: Higher education in Quebec

Public institutions

  • Cegep Andre-Laurendeau, LaSalle, Montreal
  • Cegep Beauce-Appalaches, Saint-Georges
  • Cegep de Baie-Comeau, Baie-Comeau
  • Cegep de Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Saguenay
  • Cegep de Drummondville, Drummondville
  • Cegep de Granby-Haute-Yamaska, Granby
  • Cegep de Jonquiere, Jonquiere, Saguenay
  • Cegep de la Gaspesie et des Îles, Gaspe
  • Cegep de La Pocatiere, La Pocatiere
  • Cegep de l’Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda
  • Cegep de Levis-Lauzon, Levis
  • Cegep de l’Outaouais, Hull, Gatineau
  • Cegep de Matane, Matane
  • Cegep de Rimouski, Rimouski
  • Cegep de Riviere-du-Loup, Riviere-du-Loup
  • Cegep de Saint-Felicien, Saint-Felicien
  • Cegep de Saint-Hyacinthe, Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Cegep de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
  • Cegep de Saint-Jerôme, Saint-Jerôme
  • Cegep de Saint-Laurent, Saint-Laurent, Montreal
  • Cegep de Sainte-Foy, Sainte-Foy, Quebec City
  • Cegep de Sept-Îles, Sept-Îles
  • Cegep de Sherbrooke, 2e arrondissement, Sherbrooke
  • Cegep de Sorel-Tracy, Sorel-Tracy
  • Cegep de Thetford, Thetford Mines
  • Cegep de Trois-Rivieres, Trois-Rivieres
  • Cegep de Victoriaville, Victoriaville
  • Cegep du Vieux Montreal, Ville-Marie (Quartier Latin), Montreal
  • Cegep Edouard-Montpetit, Vieux-Longueuil, Longueuil
  • Cegep Limoilou, Limoilou, Quebec City
  • Cegep Marie-Victorin, Riviere-des-Prairies, Montreal
  • Cegep regional de Lanaudiere
  • Champlain Regional College
  • College Ahuntsic, Ahuntsic, Montreal
  • College d’Alma, Alma
  • College de Bois-de-Boulogne, Cartierville, Montreal
  • College de Maisonneuve, Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montreal
  • College de Rosemont, Rosemont, Montreal
  • College de Valleyfield, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield
  • College François-Xavier-Garneau, La Cite, Quebec City
  • College Gerald-Godin, Sainte-Genevieve, Montreal
  • College Lionel-Groulx, Sainte-Therese
  • College Montmorency, Laval
  • College Shawinigan, Shawinigan
  • Dawson College, Westmount, Montreal
  • Heritage College, Hull, Gatineau
  • Herzing College (Downtown), Montreal[2]
  • John Abbott College, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Montreal
  • Vanier College, Saint-Laurent, Montreal

Private institutions

  • College Andre-Grasset, including the Institut Grasset, both located in Montreal
  • College Bart, Quebec City
  • College International Marie de France, Montreal
  • College Jean-de-Brebeuf, Montreal
  • College Lafleche, Trois-Rivieres
  • College Merici, Quebec City
  • College O’Sullivan de Quebec
  • College Stanislas, Outremont
  • Collegial Sainte-Anne, related to the College Sainte-Anne de Lachine, Montreal
  • Ecole de musique Vincent d’Indy, Outremont; named after Vincent d’Indy
  • National Circus School, Montreal
  • LaSalle College, Montreal
  • Marianopolis College, Montreal
  • O’Sullivan College of Montreal, Montreal
  • Seminaire de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke
  • TAV College, Montreal
  • Trebas Institute, Montreal
  • M College of Canada, Montreal


See also: Higher education in Saskatchewan

  • Bethany College, Hepburn
  • Briercrest College and Seminary, Caronport
  • Carlton Trail College, Humboldt
  • Horizon College and Seminary, Saskatoon
  • College Mathieu, Gravelbourg (French language institution)
  • Cumberland College, Nipawin, Tisdale, Melfort and Hudson Bay
  • Eston College, Eston
  • Great Plains College, various locations
  • Lakeland College, Lloydminster
  • Nipawin Bible College, Nipawin
  • North West College, the Battlefords and Meadow Lake
  • Northlands College, La Ronge, Buffalo Narrows and Creighton
  • Parkland College, Melville
  • St Peter’s College, Muenster
  • Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, various
  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina, Saskatoon
  • Southeast College, Weyburn
  • Western Academy Broadcasting College, Saskatoon


See also: Higher education in Yukon

  • Yukon School of Visual Arts


Apply for a study permit

Due to the impacts of corona virus disease (COVID-19), we have temporarily changed how we process applications can’t provide accurate processing times.

This is to make sure that we can prioritize applications from people who meet the requirements to enter Canada.


Apply online

If you’re applying for a study permit, you should apply online, whether you’re outside of Canada or already in Canada.

When you apply, you should submit as many of the documents needed for a complete application as possible include a letter of explanation for any documents that are missing due to COVID-19

If you can’t apply online because of a disability or because there’s a problem with the online application, you can apply on paper.

If you plan to study in Quebec, you must provide a valid Quebec Acceptance Certificate or proof that you applied for one.

How we process applications

We’ll process your application in our regular study permit process if you submit a complete application, and will attend a DLI with an approved COVID-19 readiness plan

We’ll process your application in 2 stages if you submitted your application on or before December 15, 2020 your application is incomplete due to COVID-19 (for example, you’re missing your biometrics or medical), and your program begins in the winter 2021 semester

If we process your application in 2 stages, this is what will happen:

Stage 1: We check your eligibility In this stage, an officer reviews your application for a letter of acceptance from a DLI a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (if you’ll be studying in Quebec) proof that you have enough money for tuition fees living expenses for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada, and return transportation for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada any family ties you may have to Canada evidence that you’ll leave Canada when you no longer have legal status

If your application passes this first stage, we’ll let you know by email or in your online account. This doesn’t guarantee that we’ll approve your application and issue you a study permit.

Stage 2: We check your application for admissibility and any changes to your eligibility In this stage, an officer reviews your application for a medical exam, if needed police certificates, if needed your biometrics any information that changed after we reviewed your application for eligibility If your application passes this second stage, we’ll approve it. If you applied for a co-op work permit, we’ll now assess your co-op work permit application.

At this point, if you meet the requirements, you may be able to travel to Canada and begin your studies, or continue your studies, if you’ve already started studying online

If you want to stay in Canada longer You must apply online to extend your stay in Canada.

If your study permit is going to expire soon If you’re a student, you have 3 options:

Option 1: You may be able to extend your study permit, if you want to continue studying.

Option 2: You may be eligible to apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP), if you completed your study program.

Option 3: You can apply to change your status to visitor, if you’re not studying or applying for a PGWP.

You must submit an application for 1 of these options before your study permit expires, or you may need to leave Canada.

COVID-19: Changes to biometrics requirement for in-Canada temporary residence applicants

As a temporary measure, if you’re in Canada and applying to work, study or stay temporarily in Canada, you do not need to give your biometrics. Learn more about the exemption.

If your study permit has expired

If your study permit expires before you apply to extend it, you’ve lost your status as a student in Canada. You may be able to restore your status.

If you’re a visitor who needs a study permit?

You can apply online for a study permit if you’re already in Canada as a visitor. When you apply, you must follow the instructions for applying from outside of Canada. We’ll process your application in the same amount of time as though you’d applied from your home country, outside of Canada.

If we approve your application and send you a port of entry letter of introduction, you need to contact us to have your study permit sent to you in Canada. You can’t start studying until you receive your study permit. Working as a student You can continue to work, even if COVID-19 has forced you to become a part-time student or to take a break in your studies, as long as you’re registered as a full-time student, and your study permit says you’re allowed to work while you study.

If you work off campus, you can work up to 20 hours per week during an academic session. You can work full time during scheduled breaks in the academic year.

If you worked in an essential service or function Between April 22 and August 31, 2020, you were temporarily allowed to work more than 20 hours per week during an academic session if you worked in an essential service or function, and you had a valid study permit that allowed you to work off campus This change no longer applies. If, on a future application, an officer asks you about work you performed during this time, let them know what essential service or function you worked in. You could ask your employer for a letter of support to confirm this. Find out if your work was considered an essential service or function.

Co-op work permits

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many international students are studying online from abroad. If your school and employer agree, you can either accept a Canadian work placement and begin working remotely from your home country work for a company in your home country

If you’re working outside Canada, you can work while we process your study permit and co-op work permit applications.

How to apply for a co-op work permit

How your post-graduation work permit (PGWP) eligibility is affected

If you’re eligible for the post-graduation work permit program, you’ll still be able to get a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) if your in-person classes in Canada have been moved to an online-only format and you had to begin or will continue your classes online because of COVID-19, or you had to put your studies on hold or study part-time during the winter, spring or summer 2020 semesters because of COVID-19

If you’re outside of Canada

You’re still eligible for a PGWP if you can’t travel to Canada at this time and you have a study permit

you’ve been approved for a study permit you applied for a study permit before starting your study program in the spring, summer or fall 2020 semester, or you will apply for a study permit before starting your study program in the January 2021 semester If you’re in this situation, you can begin your classes while outside Canada.

If you applied for your study permit before starting your program

Any time spent studying online from outside Canada since spring 2020 now counts toward the length of a PGWP. (Before, only the time spent studying online after you were approved for a study permit counted.) You won’t have time deducted from the length of your PGWP for studies you complete outside Canada until April 30, 2021.



Apply for a PGWP

To apply for a PGWP, you need to submit a letter of completion and your final transcript  Find out if you meet the requirements for this open work permit.

You can start working right away, until we make a decision on your application, if you submitted your PGWP application before your study permit expired, and you meet the other requirements If your PGWP has expired or will expire soon Starting January 27, 2021, you may be eligible for an open work permit of up to 18 months under a new public policy. Find out if you meet the requirements for this open work permit.

You can submit applications for this open work permit until July 27, 2021.

Updates and related links






This program has been reviewed and approved by PTIB.

In this diploma program students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence to work as visual and graphic art designers in variety of digital media industries. Students will become proficient digital artists using industry standard software and will apply contemporary design theory and digital tools and techniques to a wide variety of industry specific design problems. Dedicated production studio time at the end of each term provides students with the opportunity to complete and enhance term assignments and portfolio pieces. Graduate portfolios will clearly illustrate a passion for design and a desire to consistently and creatively solve challenging design problems.



Program Length*

Full Time

  • Total 66 weeks (Including co-op length)
  • 5 hours per session
  • 4 sessions per week

Co-op Length

  • Total 11 weeks

Admission Requirements

  • High school graduate or equivalent or
  • Mature student status (British Columbia 19 years or older)
  • Meet the College’s English proficiency requirements


  • Graphic & Visual Design Diploma

*Program Length does not include breaks and holiday breaks



Career Opportunities

  • Print and Branding
  • Packaging Graphic Design
  • Environmental Graphic Design
  • Visual Interaction Design
  • Tran media Design
  • Self Employed



Graphic Design Industry

  • Graphic Designers create visual concept, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform and captivate consumers.
  • Graphic designers develop overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports.



Graphic Design Facts

  • Employment of graphic designers in computer systems design and related services is projected to grow 35 percent by 2022. With the increased use of the Internet, graphic designers will be needed to create designs and images for portable devices, websites, electronic publications, and video entertainment media.

Source: Truity Job Outlook


British Columbia Labour Market

  • In all, B.C. is forecast to have 903,000 job openings between 2018 and 2028.
  • 77% of future jobs will require some form of post-secondary education or training

Source: B.C.’s labour market outlook: 2018





PHOT 100

Photoshop I

DRAM 101

Drawing I (2D)

ILLU 100

Illustrator I

VISU 101

Modern Visual Design

INDE 100

In Design I

COLR 101

Color Theory

VIDE 100


TYPG 101

Typography I

DIGI 100

Digital Imaging

GRAP 101

Graphic Design

PROD 101

Production Studio I




DRAW 200

Drawing II (3D)

CONC 300

Concept Development

PHOT 200

Photoshop II

PACK 300

Package Design

ILLU 200

Illustrator II

ADVR 300

Advertising Design I

INDE 200

In Design II

WEBD 300

Web Design

TYPG 200

Typography II

INDE 300

In Design III

PROD 200

Production Studio II

PROD 300

Production Studio III



PUBL 400

Publication Design

PORT 500


ADVR 400

Advertising Design II

PROF 500

Professional Preparation

CORP 400

Corporate Design


MOBM 400

Mobile Media Design

GVDP 100

Work Experience Coop

MOGR 400

Motion Graphics


PROD 400

Production Studio IV &
Portfolio Review





International Application Fee: $250.00

International Tuition Fee $ 23,750

Admission Fee: $200.00

Course Material Fee $ 385.00

Course Textbook Fee: $404.99

Consultancy Fee $ 1000.00

Flight Ticket Fee: $                            (One Way)

Visa Fee $                                         (Every Year)

Health Insurance Fee:   $                 (Every Year)

Travel Insurance Fee $                   (One Way)

Accommodation Fee:    $                  (Every Month)

Food Fee $                   (Every Month)




Upcoming Program
Hospitality Sales & Marketing + Co-op
This program is under review and requires PTIB approval.
This program is coming soon.


This certificate program focuses on preparing you to work in the hospitality and tourism industries. This program will give you a solid theoretical and practical foundation in the application of current industry tools, procedures and practices, including basic industry accounting, managing food and beverage services, and front office and house keeping operations.


Program Length*

Full Time

  • 36 weeks (Including Co-op length)
  • 5 hours per session
  • 4 sessions per week

Co-op Length

  • Total 18 weeks

Admission Requirements

  • High school graduate or equivalent or
  • Mature student status (British Columbia 19 years or older)
  • Meet the College’s English proficiency requirements


  • Hospitality Sales and Marketing Certificate

*Program Length does not include breaks and holiday breaks
**Program Graduates who have successfully completed AHLEI exams will be eligible to receive an AHLEI “Hospitality Sales and Marketing” certificate


Career Opportunities

Career opportunities in hospitality are growing steadily as the industry continues to boom and evolve.

  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Cruise Ship Industry
  • Events & Conferences
  • Food & Beverage

Hospitality in Canada

  • 7 million jobs in Hospitality Industry is a Major Source of Employment.
  • 1 out of 11 jobs in Canada is directly involved with travellers.

Source: Tourism Industry Association of Canada

British Columbia Labour Market

  • In all, B.C. is forecast to have 903,000 job openings between 2018 and 2028.
  • 77% of future jobs will require some form of post-secondary education or training.

Source: B.C.’s labour market outlook: 2018


HOSP 103

Hospitality Today

HOSP 250

Supervision in the Hospitality Industry

HOSP 333

Managing Front Office Operations

HOSP 374

Revenue Management

HOSP 472

Hospitality Sales & Marketing

HOSP 478

Convention Management & Service

EXPE 100

Work Experience




9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


1:00 PM – 3:00PM


18 weeks Co-op Work schedule depends on the employer requirements


Hospitality Sales & Marketing + Co-op Fee

International Application Fee: $250.00

International Tuition Fee $ 10,000

Admission Fee: $200.00

Course Material Fee $ 430.00

Course Textbook Fee: $620.00

Consultancy Fee $ 1000.00

Flight Ticket Fee: $                            (One Way)

Visa Fee $                                         (Every Year)

Health Insurance Fee:   $                 (Every Year)

Travel Insurance Fee $                   (One Way)

Accommodation Fee:    $                  (Every Month)

Food Fee $                   (Every Month)





This program has been reviewed and approved by PTIB.

This diploma program focuses on preparing you to work in the hospitality industry. It will give you a solid theoretical and practical foundation, in the application of current industry tools, procedures and practices, including basic industry accounting, managing food and beverage services, and front office and housekeeping operations. You will be able to apply skills in a co-op work experience setting.


The paid Co-op work experience placement is an integral component of the Hospitality Management with Co-op Diploma program that will provide students with real-world experience in a Canadian business environment.


Program Length*

Full Time

  • Total 38 weeks
  • 5 hours per session
  • 4 sessions per week

*Program Length does not include breaks and holiday breaks

Co-op Length

  • 38 weeks

Admission Requirements

  • High school graduate or equivalent
  • Mature student status (British Columbia 19 years or older)
  • Meet the College’s English proficiency requirements

Start Dates & Program Schedule

Program Schedule (38 weeks academic)
Classes from Monday to Thursday

  • 9AM – 12PM : Class
  • 12PM – 1PM : Lunch
  • 1PM – 3PM : Class

Co-op Work Experience (38 weeks)

  • Work schedule depends on the employer requirements

Credential Upon Graduation

  • Hospitality Management Diploma

Note: Program graduates who have successfully completed AHLEI exams will be eligible to receive an AHLEI “Hospitality Management” diploma



Career Opportunities

Career opportunities in hospitality are growing steadily as the industry continues to boom and evolve

  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Events & Conferences
  • Cruise Ship Industry
  • Food & Beverage


Hospitality in Canada

*1.7 million jobs in Hospitality Industry is a Major Source of Employment
*1 out of 11 jobs in Canada is directly involved with travellers

Source: Tourism Industry Association of Canada
*The number of employment in the accommodation and food services industry reached 185,000 in 2018. There will be a total of 61,000 new job openings by 2028
Source: British Columbia Labour Market Outlook: 2018 Edition pg. 52


Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry offers a wide range of career options for individuals with the proper training. Strong work ethic, dedication to quality service and an outgoing personality are part of the skill sets that potential employers are looking for. It’s a growing employment sector that offers security and opportunities to advance in a career for the future



ACAD100 Academic Plus

Course Description

  • Student centric learning strategies and techniques, including goal setting, planning and time management, problem solving, basic writing skills, and the effective use of electronic technologies.

HOSP103 Hospitality Today

HOSP250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry

HOSP261 Hotel & Restaurant Accounting

HOSP281 Hospitality Facilities Management & Design

HOSP304 Leadership & Management in Hospitality Industry

HOSP333 Managing Front Office Operations

HOSP338 Managing House Keeping Operations

HOSP349 Managing Service in Food & Beverage Operations

HOSP357 Managing Hospitality Human Resources

HOSP387 Security & Loss Prevention Management

HOSP468 Managing Technology in Hospitality Industry

HOSP472 Hospitality Sales and Marketing

CARE100 Career Planning

EXPE100 Work Experience



International Application Fee: $250.00

International Tuition Fee $ 17,800

Admission Fee: $200.00

Course Material Fee $ 720.00

Course Textbook Fee: $1,585.00

Consultancy Fee $ 1000.00

Flight Ticket Fee: $                            (One Way)

Visa Fee $                                         (Every Year)

Health Insurance Fee:                       (Every Year)

Travel Insurance Fee $                   (One Way)

Accommodation Fee:    $                  (Every Month)

Food Fee $                   (Every Month)




Abhinav Shukla, RCIC                                                       Shishir Tiwari, & Sameer Tiwari

CEO                                                                                       Founder & Director

Starline Immigrations Canada Inc                                                SVB Education India

Starline International Trading Corporation                     H.O: 989, Wright Town, Jabalpur M.P

Starline Farms                                                                      C.O: 309-310, Akruti Arcade, Andheri (W)

666 Burrard Street, Suite 500                                            Mumbai. M.H

Vancouver BC V6C 3P6                                                    B.O 1134, Maruti Sukhliya, Indore, M.P

Email: starlineimmigrations@gmail.com                         abroadsvbe@gmail.com

Office: +1-778-370-1371                                                     www.svbeducation.com

Cell: +1-604-446-63386/+1-604-446-6792                      Cell +91-888-980-6555




Co-op education in Canada

Our Canada expert Anuj Jain explains what is co-op education all about and answers your common queries 


Co-operative education, or co-op education, is a program where you can work in an industry that is related to your field of study. It gives you real-world, program-related work experience while pursuing your education. It also helps you decide what kind of job you might want, helps you pay for your education and increases chances of acquiring a good job (with a higher salary) as a graduate. Most co-op programs are structured in an alternating pattern, i.e., one semester or term of schooling is alternated with one semester or term of work. 

As co-op students, students normally alternate between four months of school and four months as a full-time employee of the organisation they’re working for. It’s an amazing way to explore careers, gain relevant experience, and make money while still earning your bachelors’ degree. In Canada, almost all post-secondary institutions offer a co-op option with their academic programs. In fact, you’ll have a co-op teacher who will facilitate your entry into a workplace, which is not usually available to most other students. 

Remember, co-op programs are different from an internship. While co-ops are a joint venture between the university, employer and student, internships are between a student and their employers. Co-ops are built into a program structure so a student can be a full-time employee for the tenure decided, while in an internship, the student may/may not have to compromise on attending their semesters. Most importantly, co-ops are paid, while internships are often unpaid. Since not all employers will use these terms distinctively, and may use co-op and internship as interchangeable terms, ensure that you clarify this at the very onset of beginning your co-op/internship. 






To pursue a co-op program in Canada, you’d require a work permit. I would advise that you apply for the same in time to save any hassles at a later stage. Remember, your co-op should not be more than 50 per cent of your total program of study and your intended employment must be an essential part of the academic program. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 


Do we get paid in a co-op job?


 Yes. University and college students who are placed in companies or other organisations for their work terms get paid by their employers.


Can you explain a co-op term with an example?


You get placed in an industry relevant to your field of study. For instance, if you’re opting for a co-op in your Computer engineering program, you’ll be referred to a software development company; if you are pursuing a degree in communications, you might be referred to a digital marketing firm or a public relations company where you get to learn the requisite skills required to be job-ready when you graduate. When you go for work, there would be a manager to supervise and analyse your performance like any regular employee.


How do students get their co-op jobs?


Institutions having co-op programs have specific departments that find available options. On the other hand, students may also search for suitable jobs on their own as well. So, if you find a place where you’d like to work at, your institution’s co-op department will decide if this job is suitable as per the co-op arrangements of your program or not.


After the co-op program, will I be guaranteed a job when I graduate?


If you work well, you may get absorbed by the organisation you worked at, but co-op programs do not come with a job guarantee. Working in a reputed organisation provides you with chance to network in the industry, and meet people who may be able to help in future. With hands-on experience, you may even get placed at a higher salary than your peers.


Do I need to pay extra for co-op programs?


Yes, co-op programs might be slightly more expensive than other programs, but they also come with extra perks like work experience, industry contacts, higher employability and industry know-how. The cost is nothing in comparison to the benefits you will enjoy.


What are the benefits for employers who hire a co-op student?


Employers who hire co-op students are able to bring in fresh talent in their company who can offer new ideas and perspectives. It helps them delegate their everyday work and train a potential future employee.